I was born Sunday, July 25th at 9:03 AM. I weighted 7lbs., 10oz. and was 20.5 inches long. This is my life.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Another picture of my new outfit, only now I am smiling really big!
This is the outfit that grandma Pat and grandpa Bill got me! It is really comfy!
Mommy thought this dress was just so cute so she took a lot of pictures of me in it.
Here is another picture of me in one of my Christmas dresses.
This is the dress that my Aunt Jilli and Uncle Ryan gave me for Christmas. Don't I just look adorable in it?
Here I am in my Christmas outfit. My socks are striped and I love looking at them!
We opened our Christmas presents at home early since we leave for Missouri this Thursday. Here is a picture of Marty, mommy and me.
Daddy and mommy got a picture of me watching television. I think I was watching Baby Beethoven from the Baby Einstein series.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I like sucking on anything I can. Today I chose my giraffe.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Mommy, Daddy and me in front of the Christmas tree at church!
Doesn't it look like I am in a real forest that is covered in snow? Daddy took this picture of me in our church where they have a little snow area set up.
I can't beleive it is almost Christmas time. I can't wait!!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Do you see me all curled up in the chair? I like to sleep all snuggled up in the chair with this thick, soft blanket. Daddy discovered yesterday just how much I like to sleep on this blanket. I feel asleep on it while laying on the floor.
Mommy and I went to a Christmas party at "The Summitt". It is the fitness club that mommy and daddy go to. Santa was there so I got to take my picture with him again.
Mommy put this sticker on my nose and it was making me giggle!
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Weeeeeee! I love swinging! I love the wind blowing through my hair!
Mommy raised the seat on my swing finally so now I can sit up more. I like swinging even more now.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Look daddy, I can touch my nose!
Santa and me! I didn't cry or fuss while he held me. Mommy was really happy about that. I shared with him all I wanted for Christmas this year.
A picture of me snoozing!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Santa and me!
My Gramie makes me giggle. She is so funny sometimes! It is my Gramie I am talking to on the phone.
Hey Gramie, what you doing? I just got finished eating my cereal. Oh ya, you know that because you watched me eat it.
When I don't have my binky, I have to suck on my thumb.
Daddy playing with me before my bath. I like to scratch him with my nails.