I was born Sunday, July 25th at 9:03 AM. I weighted 7lbs., 10oz. and was 20.5 inches long. This is my life.
Monday, January 31, 2005
I was doing the sign for more (my own sign for more). I wanted MOmmy to get me more eggs. I love eggs especially with cheese on them.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
This is a picture mommy got of me as I was trying to fall asleep (oops, I mean stay awake)!
Mommy thought I looked so cute so she took a lot of pictures of me on our walk.
On Monday it was so warm so mommy and I took a walk outside. I am sporting my sunglasses and hat cause it was really sunny outside. I almost fell asleep on our walk, but I held out. I knew mommy would rather me stay awake! (ha ha ha)
Another picture of me in my bathtub. I really like playing with the bubbles in my tub.
This is my new bathtub. It is a really comfy bathtub and I have a lot of fun in it. Mommy gives me all kinds of toys to play with!
Look at me standing in my crib!
Mommy loves this outfit on me!
Mommy and me getting ready to board our train! Amtrak sure doesn't wait long for you to board. We almost missed our train home because mommy and me were in the restroom. When we walked out she looked at the train arrival board and it said our train was arriving. She had to hurry to get all our stuff together and get to the train. She said the train was a bit early.
This is Grandma Chris and me at the train station in Martinez, California. Mommy and I were heading home after a wonderful visit with Nana, Papa, Aunt Jill, Uncle Ryan, Grandma Chris, Uncle Chip and Aunt Sue.
This is Aunt Sue and Uncle Chip. I went to visit them while they were in Napa. We had a great time together. This picture was taken at the train station. You can also see Grandma Chris in the background.
This is another four generation picture! In this picture are Grandma Chris (she's my Great-Grandma), Nana, Aunt Jill and me.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Grandpa and me!! We were snuggling before bed.
All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Mommy thought this was a good smile! She says I am always a happy little camper after a good nap!
I had just woken up for my morning nap!
Nana, mommy and me at the winery. On the top floor is all of the memorabilia from Coppola's movies and downstairs is the history of this winery.
Uncle Chip made up a great story about this chair. I will have to tell you sometime. Mommy thinks this is such a cute picture of me. This too was at the winery.
Nana, mommy and me at the winery! It was a beautiful winery!
Mommy and me at Niebaum-Coppola Winery in Rutherford, California. We got to see some of Coppola's Golden Globes and Oscar awards. We also got to see the old car that was in the movie Tucker.
I liked the little doggie at The Springs! I loved to touch his nose!
Aunt Jill and I at The Springs! I got to spend the night with my Aunt Jill on Saturday night!
Uncle Chip was making me laugh!
On Tuesday, Mommy and me had lunch at The Springs with Great Grandma Chris!
Another picture of me in my walker. I was having so much fun!!!