I was born Sunday, July 25th at 9:03 AM. I weighted 7lbs., 10oz. and was 20.5 inches long. This is my life.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Here I am at church climbing on things.
This is me sleeping at church. Mommy said I look so angelic.
Friday, November 25, 2005
I was trying to wisper to Daddy!
I am trying to use Papa Terry's computer, but for some reason it isn't working.
I liked wearing these reindeer antlers.
Mommy says I make the cutest faces!
I liked feeling Nana's flowers.
Here you can see better what I was doing.
Mommy put up a gate to keep me off the stairs, but that didn't stop me. I just started climbing up the side of the stairs.
Nana told Mommy to get this picture of Great-Grandma Chris cooking. I guess she doens't cook very much anymore.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
These jeans are just too tight for me to get my phone in my pocket.
I was trying to put my cell phone in my pocket, but I got frustrated and Daddy had to help me.
This is Uncle Ryan and me! I was saying "Hi" to Mommy!
I got the Fisher-Price farm house from Jill and Ryan. I LOVE it!!
I was having a hard time opening one of my gifts so I had to use my teeth.
I got this fluffy little doggie from Jill and Ryan!
We are getting ready to have an early Christmas. Aunt JIll and Uncle Ryan can't join us in Clovis this year for our Christmas so we decided to have it on Thankgiving. We got to open all of Ryan and Jill's gifts and then one from everyother person. The rest we are saving for Christmas day.
Here I am helping him open his gift from me!
Pappa Terry and me on Thanksgiving. It was also his birthday today so I had given him his present and I was going to help him open it.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I am enjoying my turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. We got to go to Napa for Thanksgiving and I had a lot of fun there!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Mommy caught this picture of me while I was watching the "Backyardigans". We are getting ready to drive to Napa to see Nana and Papa Terry for Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Mommy didn't cut my fried chicken up very well. I'm not sure how to eat a "string of chicken".
Grandma Pat made some wonderful fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy! It was so yummy! This is one of Mommy's favorite meals!
I like sitting under things.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
After we got home from church Mommy took my hair down (it was in pigtails) and this is what it looked like. Mommy told me to smile a picture, but instead I made this face. She says I look kinda scary!