I was born Sunday, July 25th at 9:03 AM. I weighted 7lbs., 10oz. and was 20.5 inches long. This is my life.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Papa, Nana, and I just before we left to go back home.
I'm hiding by the tree.
I'm not really sure what I was doing in this picture. I guess I was just being silly.
Chip and Sue flew in from Ohio so that they could be here also! It was a pretty big day for Papa. It was nice for all of us to be there to honor him for all the work he did for the United States Air Force. He sure was a dedicated worker!
Here I am with Ronnie and Marcia who also came from Missouri to help celebrate Papa's retirement.
I'm stitting with Grandma and Grandpa Cotter. They came all the way from Missouri to be here for Papa's special day.
Papa was doing magic tricks for me.
I was eating cake following the ceremony. (actually I was eating icing)
Papa Terry giving his speech. Papa wasn't ready to retire from the Air Force. He loved his job and would love to keep doing it, but I guess there are rules as to how long you can serve for. He was really sad to be leaving the Air Force.
Nana was placing his retirement pin on Papa.
Papa presented Nana, Daddy and Aunt Jill with a gift.
This is Papa with his boss Brigadier General Gisler. He was presenting him with an award. During this part of the service, I yelled out "Papa". Papa served in the Air Force for 28 years.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Grandma Chris and me watching television together.
Uncle Ronnie and me!
Papa and me swinging in the back yard. I LOVE being outside with Papa
This is Aunt Jill and Uncle Ryan's kitty cat named Stitch. She was getting used to me a little by the time we left. She would sneak up next to me but then when I moved she would run away. I think she was curious about me or she really liked me, but just not when I was moving.
This is another new shirt that Mommy got me. She thought Daddy would really like what it says.
Friday, November 03, 2006
I was cuddling with Aunt Jill.
We went to Napa for Papa Terry's retirement ceremony. While I was there Nana and Papa showed me this present that they got for me at the zoo in Washington D.C. It is a little panda that sits in a purse. I really like it!
I'm so excited!!!
Can you read my shirt? This is how Daddy and Mommy let everyone at Nana and Papa's house know of our upcoming addition.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I was playing with Shaylee's keyboard before we left her house.
I'm trick or treating with Shaylee and Mikayla now. Mikayla was a cute little witch. We had a fun time together!
Baby Grace was in her candy corn outfit trying to stay warm.
Crystal was walking with Shaylee and I. I didn't want to let her go. She was new best friend!