Monday, December 05, 2005

A day with many "Uh Oh's"!

Mommy was cleaning the bathroom and I walked in with my baby. She asked me if my baby needed to go potty. Mommy had turned away from looking at me for a minute and turned back around when I said "Uh Oh". There I was standing next to the toilet where my baby was swimming. I had put my baby in the big potty. I just kept saying "Uh Oh" over and over. Mommy wasn't mad at me she thought it was pretty cute. She told me that next time my baby has to go potty that she needs to use my little potty. Mommy hopes that I don't put too many other things in the big potty. She also hopes that I never learn to flush it anytime soon. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allison you are too cute! I can see that you are keeping you mommy on her toes! Tell your mommy that I just finished my TWS paper for this semester and thought that I would check in on a very special little girl before I went to sleep. I hope that I can see you sometime soon! XXOO Joni